
Welcome to Crook n Lamb Fiber Creations. My name is Mary Elizabeth, I live in Southern Nevada. I am all about Fiber Arts, I have been a lover of all things Yarn most of my life, adding Sewing, Quilting, Cross stitch and my last Rabbit hole has been homespun yarns. I am in my 40’s, my hubby and I have 4 children, 3 grandchildren and one loveable face licking staffie. I am self taught in my craft with guidance from a few talented friends and encouraging family members. I enjoy learning the history along with the craft itself. So to this end, I decided to start this blog to help others who are fascinated by the Fiber Arts world. I want to share with you my research, experience and projects. My posts will include my successful pieces, the issues of the not so successful ones, the process, places I explore and things that inspire me.


Spindle Bags

I tweeked my measurements and BAMM my steam punk @snyderspindles fits along with a full braid of fiber. I’m so happy with how these box tote spindle bags turned out in the end.#happywitch#spinningdream#crooknlamb#ItsSoFluffy#fiberartist#fiberart#wemakeyarn#handspinnersofig#spindlespinning#spindlesofig#handspunyarn#sewistsofinstagram#sewist#handquilting#handquiltersofinstagram#ashfordtraveler#spinolutionpollywog#hendersonlife

Witch themed Samhain countdown

Every beautiful braid of BFL and Silk from my witch themed Samhain countdown from @desertpandafiberarts.#happywitch#spinningdream#crooknlamb#ItsSoFluffy#fiberartist#fiberart#wemakeyarn#handspinnersofig#spindlespinning#spindlesofig#handspunyarn#desertpandafiberarts#ashfordtraveler#spinolutionpollywog#hendersonlife